Friday, May 1, 2009

Harbingers of spring

In your Easter bonnet
With all the fringe upon it
You'll be the grandest lady
In the Easter parade...

with apologies to Irving Berlin

When I was putting together the memory book for Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary I came across a picture of Sharon, Bruce and me taken at Easter... it must have been around 1965 or 1966, since Bruce was very small. Sharon wore a bonnet with a fair-sized brim and I a bandeau with organza flowers. Both of us also modeled our new spring coats. But Bruce... well he was the man with the GQ flair. He sported an off-white handknit winter-weight sweater and a fedora. (Yes, a FEDORA!) He looked like a Lilliputian Bing Crosby. All he was missing was the pipe.

I'll have to see if I still have the picture.


  1. Oh, you need to find this picture! Imagine the endless fun we could have teasing him about it! LMAO!

  2. It would be too funny. I'm not making it up... he looks like Bing only younger. I think it's in the drawer in my office. But I've gotta get my new desktop shiny toy working first.
