Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What doesn't kill ya

Kids do some really crazy things and I'm no exception to that rule. I think this time of year is when I tend to be my nutsiest too.

Way back in 1972, when I was still in Grade VIII with that horrible little man John T Cook for a teacher and right around this date, we went on a hike to Wine River. It was maybe a couple of miles out to the artesian well. We all packed our lunch and headed out the dirt road from the radar station into the woods. The weather in early May in New Brunswick isn't especially balmy, with the daytime highs usually in the 10-15 C range, but often dipping into the 0 range. On this day there was still ice on the pond near the well and some of us were able to see a beaver swimming around underneath it. The river flowed fast enough that the ice was gone from it. I don't know whose brilliant idea it was, maybe Eddie Sears', but there I was, swimming in the frigid water of Wine River in early May. Three or four of us went in wearing our clothes. That was the only time I ever went in the water there, but such a memorable swim. It was a REALLY long walk back to the townsite let me tell you, dripping wet and covered in gooseflesh. I wonder who else remembers?

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